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Panacea Books Office, Devon U.K.

Panacea specialises in publishing books that 'reimagine the world'. I am inspired by Einstein's words that we cannot solve the problems of the world with the same thinking that created them, and so I love to publish books that 'think outside the box' and offer new perspectives on our evolutionary potential. These books present ideas that do not always conform to mainstream cultural notions and they explore imaginative realms that ask the question, "What if a better world is possible?"– in both fiction and non-fiction categories.

Panacea is a micropublishing venture which means I have a small list and only publish two or three books a year through my Partnership Publishing programme; I am independent and have no financial backers nor distribution assets, which means I use print-on-demand technology to publish and distribute via Ingram Spark and/or KDP Publishing platforms. 

I am not currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts. Please browse the Fiction and Non-Fiction categories on this site to see the books that are currently being showcased.

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